
You wish to contact Agence France Trésor (AFT). Before sending us your question, please consult the information below.

Our missions

Agence France Trésor's mission is to manage the State's debt and cash in the best interest of the taxpayer and in the best possible conditions of security.

Learn more about AFT's missions

AFT is not responsible for:

  • Questions relating to taxes or the payment of fines are the responsibility of the Public Finances Directorate General (DGFiP). If you need further information please check this contact page

  • If you wish to contact the Treasury, please contact your local Financial Administration. You can find the contact details on your tax notice. You can also consult the administration's directory.

  • Disputes with a banking institution: Agence France Trésor has not the authority to intervene directly with funding agencies. If you have been unable to settle a dispute with your bank on your own, resort to the banking mediator is a quick and free way of trying to resolve the dispute amicably.

Beware of messages using the name Agence France Trésor for fraudulent purposes.

Be careful, Agence France Trésor never contacts private individuals directly and will never ask you to provide your banking information or to make a money transfer.

If you have not found the information you are looking for, ask us your question using the form below and we will reply as soon as possible.


Contact form

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