18 June 2020: AFT’s issuance: 2.430 billion euros of inflation-indexed OATs

This morning, Agence France Trésor auctioned the OAT€i 0.1% 1 March 2026.

See below for auction details.

The total amount issued may be increased by non-competitive bids 2 (NCT2), which will take place on Friday 19 June 2020.

Auction date 18/06/2020
Settlement date 22/06/2020
Amount bid* 6,368
Amount served* 2,430
Stop price 105.25%
Percentage served at stop price 100.00%
Bid to cover ratio** 2.62
Weighted average price 105.27%
Weighted average rate -0.80%
ISIN Code FR0013519253