

2017年1月24日:推出利率1.75% 2039年6月25日到期的OAT绿色债券法国国库署于今天宣布成功首次发行一只22年期、利率1.75%、2039年6月25日到期的 OAT绿色债券,总额70亿欧元,为迄今发行的规模最大、期限最长的绿色基准债券。

法国成为全球率先发行绿色基准债券的国家, 藉此而确定了其在实施2015年12月巴黎气候协议雄伟目标中的领导作用。






关于法国绿色债券社会责任特点的第二次意见 (只有法文版)

OAT绿色债券框架性文件 verte (只有法文版)

投资者介绍 (只有法文版)

The Green OATs Evaluation Council

The Green OATs Evaluation Council is chaired by Manuel Pulgar-Vidal and its members are eight independent experts:

  • Mats Andersson, Vice-Chairman of the Global Challenges Foundation, Chairman of PDC and former CEO of AP4, Sweden’s fourth national pension fund;
  • Nathalie Girouard, Head of the Environmental Performance and Information Division of the Environment Directorate at the OECD;
  • Mike Holland, independant consultant ;
  • Karin Kemper, Senior Director for the Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice at the World Bank;
  • Rana Roy, independant consultant ;
  • Thomas Sterner, Professor of Environmental Economics at the University of Gothenburg;

Two observers also take part in the Council:

  • Sean Kidney, co-founder and CEO of the Climate Bond Initiative;
  • Nicolas Pfaff, Senior Director and Secretary to the Green Bond Principles, ICMA (International Capital Market Association).

The Green OATs Evaluation Council defines the specifications and schedule for evaluation reports on the environmental impact of Green Eligible Expenditures financed by France’s green sovereign bond. The Council also gives its opinion on the quality of the evaluation reports and the impact and relevance of the findings. All of its work is published on the Agence France Trésor website. The Secretariat of the Green OATs Evaluation Council is provided jointly by the General Commission for Sustainable Development and the Directorate General of the Treasury.

