20 April 2007: Creation of OAT 4.25% 25 October 2023

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Agence France Trésor announces the creation of OAT 4.25% 25 October 2023. This bond will be auctioned for the first time on Thursday May 3rd  2007 at 10:50 AM (Paris time). Precisions on the amount will be given on Friday April 27th 2007 at 11 AM (Paris time). This OAT will be eligible to stripping operations from Wednesday, May 9th 2007 (settlement date).

The amount issued on May 3rd will ensure the initial liquidity of this OAT, that will be furthermore regularly auctioned according to investors demand and in order to guarantee its liquidity.

ISIN CODE  OAT  : FR0010466938

ISIN CODE PPMT0%251023 :  FR0010466946

Press contact:

Pierre Salaun

+33 1 4004 1550