28 September 2006: Benoît COEURE appointed Chief Executive of Agence France Trésor

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As part of the new cash management policy, Mr Thierry Breton, the French minister of the economy, finance and industry has appointed Benoît Coeuré as Chief Executive of Agence France Trésor with effect from September 27, 2006. Agence France Trésor (AFT) is the department with national scope, tasked with handling public debt and treasury management, reporting to the Head of Treasury and Economic Policy Directorate. 

Benoît Coeuré succeeds Bertrand de Mazières, who has joined th European Investment Bank as Director General of Finance. 

Benoît Coeuré was Deputy Executive Director of the AFT since June 2002. Since 1997, he was chief economic adviser to the director of France's Treasury. 

Previously, he has served as an economist at INSEE and at the Trésor. From 1999 to 2001, he was Head of Foreign Exchange and Economic Policy, in charge of G7 and European policy coordination (including the stability and growth pact and the Eurogroup), foreign exchange markets, and the control of foreign direct investments and foreign assets. 

Mr. Coeuré is graduated of École polytechnique in Paris. He holds an advanced degree in statistics and economic policy of École nationale de la statistique et de l'administration économique (ENSAE), and a B.A. in Japanese. He is also a professor of macroeconomics and economic policy at Ecole polytechnique, and a member of the board of the Caisse d'Amortissement de la Dette Sociale.

Press contact:

Thierry Breton ‘s press office : 33 1 53 18 41 35